Our School Ethos
To promote a culture of high expectations, where students have a passion for their own education are encouraged and determined to aspire to their personal goals showing confidence, independence, individuality and resilience on their journey. Where the curriculum is fulfilling, enjoyable and challenging. Assisted by a fair, supportive and equal pastoral system where pupils well-being is paramount and secure and where lives are enhanced by opportunities, successes and rigorous emotional support culminating in respect for each others learning journey.
‘working together to achieve our best’
Our Vision and Values
We are committed to developing our children to be happy well rounded individuals who have a love of learning through which they achieve and progress.
We want them to enter into the wider world as:
- happy and positive individuals
- responsible citizens able to make a positive contribution
- adaptable in an ever-changing technological world
- lifelong, safe and healthy learners
We promote believing in yourself and others – We never give up and always strive to achieve goals – At Castlechurch we are happy to learn and proud to achieve.
Our vision will be achieved by:
- Promoting the highest standards of teaching and learning so that all children regardless of age, ability, race, religion, disability or gender have the opportunity to become successful independent learners and lead to rapid and sustained progress
- Providing a curriculum that meets statutory requirements whilst providing a broad range of learning experiences, facilitating the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding. This will enable children to progress confidently to secondary school and take their place in a multicultural and ever changing diverse society.
- Continually developing the skills and expectations of all staff in order to enhance the quality of learning and teaching
- Developing and deploying resources efficiently in order to provide a safe, pleasant and enriched learning environment
- Creating a school where everyone behaves well with confidence and co-operation, and where discipline is addressed in a fair, positive and consistent way.
- Developing partnerships through which parents, governors and the local/ global community can take an active and effective role in the education of children and promoting lifelong learning; celebrating in their achievements, participating and sharing successes within the wider community
Our Vision and core purpose for being a school and the type of school we want to be is revisited by all Teachers and Teaching Assistants and shared with Governors and Parents every September.