Our P.E curriculum aims to broaden opportunities for children to enjoy a range of experiences and promote a healthy lifestyle. This will enable them to achieve personal successes, develop the appropriate skills and confidence to participate in all physical activities Please click here to see our P.E intent.
What makes a sports person PE Intent CC January 23
Unit Pathway
The document below shows a planned teaching sequence that a unit of P.E lessons may follow in order to promote the sequential and progressive development of knowledge which can be securely demonstrated by our pupils.
Lesson Pathway
The document below identifies the key elements which we believe are important to incorporate into our P.E lessons in order for them to build on previously taught knowledge and also to deepen and secure key concepts. The key elements which we believe are important to incorporate into our P.E lessons are highlighted in this pathway in order to: recall, deepen and build on previous learning to secure key concepts.
CC PE Lesson Pathway January 23
Our Progressive P.E Curriculum
CC PE progression EY - KS2 January 23
Subject Specific Vocabulary